SmartPlanet: Goodbye ‘information economy’; hello ‘hacker economy’

Goodbye ‘information economy’; hello ‘hacker economy’ By Joe McKendrick | February 3, 2013, 9:09 AM PST By now, the term “information economy” has been beaten to death. Now, we may be moving into a new realm one observer calls the “hacker economy.” That’s the word from Greg Satell, who suggests that we’re evolving beyond the …

SmartPlanet: World Unemployment Rising, Western World Unemployment Has Global Impact

World unemployment rate on the rise By Tyler Falk | January 22, 2013, 7:06 AM PST Despite two consecutive years of falling global unemployment, the number of jobless is once again on the rise. And projections for future years aren’t looking much better. According to a new report from the International Labour Organization, the global …

SmartPlanet: Half of All Food Wasted

Half of all food wasted By Mark Halper | January 10, 2013 The world throws away up to half of its food according to an alarming report that blames consumers’ fussy preference for cosmetically appealing produce, supermarket promotions that encourage overbuying, and deficient storage, transportation and agricultural practices. Between 1.2 billion and 2 billion metric …

SmartPlanet: Supermarket Gets Grip on True Cost of Refrigeration with and without Doors

The simple plan that saved a supermarket chain millions By Tyler Falk | January 3, 2013 Imagine if your refrigerator didn’t come with a door. The unnecessary energy use would be costly and your kitchen would always be cold. Despite the obvious benefits of having a door on a refrigerator, supermarkets around the world have …

SmartPlanet: Why More US States Could Legalize Marijuana — and Profit From Doing So….

Why more U.S. states could legalize marijuana   By David Worthington | December 13, 2012, 8:19 PM PST Marijuana advocates scored major victories at the polls in the U.S. November election. Voters approved ballot measures in Colorado and Washington that bucked federal law to legalize the drug’s recreational use. The victories could be short lived …