SmartPlanet: An app to model big decisions

An app to model life’s big decisions By David Worthington SmartPlanet | December 5, 2012, If you’re faced with a big decision, you no longer need to go with your intuition – there’s an app for that. The app, called iMODELER, is an offshoot of a European Union research project into decision support systems. It visualizes personal decisions or …

SmartPlanet: IO Theme to Curb Unrest: Buy Nothing New

In Melbourne, meet the New Joneses By Lieu Thi Pham | November 28, 2012 MELBOURNE — Last month, two Australians moved into a pre-fabricated, architecturally designed, sustainably built apartment craned onto Melbourne’s Federation Square, dressed in nothing but their underwear and bathrobes. Meet the New Joneses — a social experiment in new consumption. For five …

SmartPlanet: Solar and Wind Energy Challenge Funding of Fossil Fuel

Solar group to World Bank: Give us gas and oil’s $12B, and we’ll cool planet Siemens: 880m euros’ worth of wind power orders since July Phi Beta Iota:  The current approach to solar and wind is mis-directed toward the traditional centralized capture and downstream distribution.  Those costs are waste.  Micro-girds, neighborhoods combining solar, wind, biogas, …

SmartPlanet: 1 Earth-Changing Idea, 9 Other Ideas

Scientific American’s list of 10 ideas about to change the world 6. A single sustainability index for products How do you compare the environmental impact of, say, a bottle of laundry detergent versus an LCD screen? The Sustainability Consortium, a group of 10 universities, non-profits and 80 international companies including Walmart and Coca-Cola, are creating …

SmartPlanet: Closed Short-Term Systems Do Not Do Disruptive Innovation

Clayton Christensen: why America’s innovation engine is sputtering By Joe McKendrick | November 7, 2012, 2:17 PM PST Truly disruptive innovation — the kind that creates new markets, opens up new ways of looking at problems, and greatly expands wealth — is in short supply, and that is what is dragging the current economy. There …