SmartPlanet: America’s infrastructure grade: D+

America’s infrastructure grade: D+ The country received a D+ in the American Society of Civil Engineers’ (ASCE) report card for American infrastructure. That’s somewhere between “mediocre” and “poor,” according to their rating. Optimists, take comfort: this is actually an improvement; last time the report was published, in 2009, the country received a D. The ASCE …

SmartPlanet: High-Speed Rail — Teaching Governments, Mobilizing All Eight Tribes to Press Forward on High-Speed Rail and Localized Everything

“The Morning Briefing” is SmartPlanet’s daily roundup of must-reads from the web. This morning we’re reading about high-speed rail. 1.) Protests bring Italian high-speed rail mega-tunnel to its knees. High-speed rail has garnered a lot of praise recently. The U.S. has a new national high-speed network map. China has unveiled the world’s longest high-speed line. …

SmartPlanet: Drone-Proof Cities, Cop Bullets that “Tag” Suspects

Artist envisions drone-proof city How would you feel about living in a city where drones aren’t able to function? Gun shoots DNA bullets, tags suspects for arrest With SelectaDNA’s High Velocity DNA Tagging System, police can mark rioters or looters with a unique DNA tag and apprehend them later.

SmartPlanet: Is a free nationwide WiFi network coming to the U.S.?

Is a free nationwide WiFi network coming to the U.S.? Tyler Falk, 4 February 2013 The United States government wants to make access to fast and free WiFi as easy as accessing public roads. The U.S. Federal Communications Commission has proposed to free up digital infrastructure to allow free public access to WiFi — more powerful …