#GoogleGestapo: Conservative Starts New Social Media Site After Facebook Blocks Tens Of Millions From His Posts

Conservative Starts New Social Media Site After Facebook Blocks Tens Of Millions From His Posts “Facebook blocks more than 98% of my reach,” said Andrew. “That means 4.9 million people per month are missing. Facebook increased censorship after President Trump was elected.” Instead of communicating to 5 million people per month as in 2016, Facebook …

Stephen E. Arnold: If Facebook is a Tyranny, Governments are Inept at Regulating It… #GoogleGestapo

Regulating Facebook and Unexpected Consequences After Mark Zuckerberg’s mostly frothy and somewhat entertaining testimonies for Congress and the Senate, what are we left with? Some tea leaves are saying that Facebook will likely be permitted to self regulate. What happens if governments step in. One commentator worries not just for our privacy, but for society …

#GoogleGestapo: I Downloaded the Information That Facebook Has on Me. Yikes.

I Downloaded the Information That Facebook Has on Me. Yikes. With a few clicks, I learned that about 500 advertisers — many that I had never heard of, like Bad Dad, a motorcycle parts store, and Space Jesus, an electronica band — had my contact information, which could include my email address, phone number and …