Michael Kearns: Leadership & Social Change

Leadership. The “School” of American Leadership Studies & Development (ALS&D) has been the largest mythological tyrant ever to spew propagandistic mythology (1); therein, inflating the lust for money, power, and control as measures of “success” in America (2). Much like Trump’s Great Man ascertations, about how “great” America can be, much like him-self – with …

Robert Steele: Reinventing the US Army Part I – An American Grand Strategy

Steele, Robert. Reinventing the US Army Part I – An American Grand Strategy, Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, Press, Projected Publication 2017. Part I in the Reinventing the US Army monograph series. Updated November 15, 2016 Robert Steele This is the author’s preliminary draft of the first of three monographs focused …

2014 Robert Steele Answers to Richard Olivier on 21st Leadership with Annotated Bibliography & Links

2014 ANSWERS Robert Steele to Richard Olivier of Findhorn on Leadership for the 21st Century • What do 21st century leaders need to know and who do they need to be? • How can we develop these capacities? • What, on a systemic level, is blocking the needed leadership evolution? • What is missing from …

Graphic: SOF Global Legend Added + White SOF RECAP

Key to the Map of US Special Operations Forces around the world, 2012-2013 Red: Special Ops Forces deployed in 2013 Blue: Special Ops Forces working with/training/advising/conducting operations with indigenous troops in the US or a third country during 2013. Purple: Special Ops Forces deployed in 2012 Yellow: Special Operations Forces working with/training/advising/conducting operations with indigenous …

Winslow Wheeler: Don Vandergriff’s “The Path to Victory: America’s Army and the Revolution in Human Affairs,” second edition

Major Don Vandergriff (USA, ret.) has released the second–expanded and updated–edition of his critical analysis of the Army’s officer corps, The Path to Victory: America’s Army and the Revolution in Human Affairs. The book explains why and how the Army’s leadership has simultaneously designed itself for bureaucratic success and leadership failure in battle.  It is …

Winslow Wheeler: Purge the Generals to Fix the Army + Flag Corruption and Ineptitude RECAP

There is a devastating review of the quality of Army leadership at the new issue of Armed Forces Journal.  At Armed Forces Journal, it is an article by Army Lt. Col. Daniel Davis (“Purge the Generals”), and it merits the attention of anyone following military affairs, I believe.  If you think Army leadership is an island of …

Jean Lievins: The Networked Society — DISRUPTIVE Technology Rules — and the Most Disruptive of All Technologies is C4ISR Technology that is Also Open Source

It’s about doing the impossible – faster Technology is transforming how everybody builds solutions and faster access to the latest technology gives you an unfair advantage. I work in Silicon Valley and we benefit from that unfair advantage. This is because the technology being invented here is not incremental but disruptive. EXTRACT: You will notice …