Mongoose: PizzaGate Pedophilia Updates — Vatican Nervous — Emerging Exposure of Child Protective Services (CPS) as a Criminal Network Harvesting Poor Children for Rich Pedophiles — Massive Censorship Underway Across Facebook, Google, YouTube

This is real, this is deep, this is not going away. Pedophilia is the “last straw” for a public that is now paying attention. Pedophilia will bring down both the Republican and the Democratic “Establishment” as well as their elite overseers from Wall Street to the City of London. While we have no direct knowledge, …

Owl: US PizzaGate, UK Rotherham, Pedophiles, Pakistanis, and When the Alt-Right Breaks the Story Mainstream Media Refuses to Cover…

This is extremely interesting – shows parallels between Pizzagate and Rotherham sex scandal, given the news sources in latter instance: “The Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal first “broke” in the far-right blogosphere. The accusation they made was that these gangs were being allowed to operate undisturbed because everyone was too afraid of “appearing racist” to …

Mongoose: Alleged FBI Insider Says Bill Clinton Will Die, Everyone Is Exposed including Elite Pedophiles, Benghazi Server, False Flag Events, All Part of the Final Drama

No direct knowledge, a good read. FBI Insider Leaks All: Clinton Foundation Exposed! Involves Entire US Government! A thread on 4chan with an FBI insider confirms everyone’s worst suspicions.  The Hillary Clinton email server was merely a distraction from the Clinton Foundation and most of DC is in up to their necks in what could …

Owl: The Pedophile Billionaire that Could Bring Down Both Donald Trump and the Clintons

Pedophile Politicians and Billionaires Mix it Up This article thoroughly details the history of billionaire convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s double life as investment fund manager and pedophile, with emphasis on the latter. Like most articles that have appeared on Epstein, this one also mentions Bill Clinton’s deep friendship with him, implying a high probability that …