Review: Nonzero–The Logic of Human Destiny

 7 Stars–Nobel Prize (Of Old, Before Devalued) – Life Transformative Insights November 28, 2009 Robert Wright QUOTE: “Non-zero-sumness is a kind of potential–a potential for overall gain, or for overall loss, depending on how the game is played.” This book is one of the most sophisticated, deep, documented, and influential I have ever read, right …

Review: Agenda for a New Economy: From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth

A Four Pumped to Five to Stave Off the Ideologues November 27, 2009 David C. Korten I would normally rate this book a four because of its lack of reference to Buckminster Fuller (see Critical Path; the Open Money movement; or the literature on wealth of networks, fortune at the bottom of the pyramid, and …

Review: Global Warming False Alarm–The Bad Science Behind the United Nations’ Assertion that Man-made CO2 Causes Global Warming

Righteous Good SLAM of IPCC Fraud & Intimidation November 26, 2009 Ralph B. Alexander I read a lot, and I confess to have been among those who “bought in” to the celebrity alarmism of Al Gore, but I never displaced the totality of the threats to Earth for an obsessive focus on carbon emissions. Among …

Worth a Look: Literature in Rebuttal of Global Warming

Global Warming False Alarm: The Bad Science Behind the United Nations’ Assertion that Man-made CO2 Causes Global Warming In language that a layman can understand, Ralph Alexander explains how the whole global warming claim got started, who started it, and how it has been maintained by too many scientists (and others) using deliberately false or …

Journal: Congress may probe faked global warming data

TG Daily Andrew Thomas Wednesday, 25 November 2009 The US Congress could start an investigation into leaked emails which suggest climate change statistics have been consistently manipulated to make the case for anthropogenic global warming more credible. The emails leaked from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia in the UK – …

Journal: Al Gore–Not Evil Just Wrong

New Documentary Challenges Gore’s ‘Inconvenient Truth’ on Global Warming In 2007, a British High Court judge ruled that Al Gore’s global warming film contained nine significant errors and should no longer be screened in schools unless accompanied by guidance notes to balance Gore’s “one-sided” views.   …  Buoyed by the ruling, two Irish journalists — Phelim …