Berto Jongman: Tony Shaffer on Benghazi and 9/11

Retired Lt. Col. Reveals Secrets Of The 28-Page 9/11 Report CIA-trained intelligence officer confirms Infowars analysis In this incredibly powerful interview with Lt. Colonel Anthony Shaffer, a wealth of info is mined regarding the real parties involved in the Benghazi stand down and the truth behind the to be released 9/11 report of which 28 …

Berto Jongman: Greenwald on ISIS, Rothkopf on National Insecurity Plus Spinney, Polk, Cockburn, and Steele on How ISIS and Hamas Have Won and Everything We Plan to Do Will Deepen Our Losses

Americans Now Fear ISIS Sleeper Cells Are Living in the U.S., Overwhelmingly Support Military Action Glenn Greenwald The Intercept, 8 September 2014 EXTRACTS What kind of country goes around bombing people with no strategic purpose and with little motive other than to “flex muscles” and “show toughness”? This answer also seems clear: one that is …

Stephen E. Arnold: Big Data and Data Quality — Plus Robert Steele on the Role of the University

Big Data Should Mean Big Quality Posted: 28 Aug 2014 03:28 AM PDT Why does logic seem to fail in the face of fancy jargon? DataFusion’s Blog posted on the jargon fallacy in the post, “It All Begins With Data Quality.” The post explains how with new terms like big data, real-time analytics, and self-service …

Berto Jongman: General Allen Calls for War — Was Foley Executed with White House Approval Precisely to Justify War?

Being read in Europe. Gen. Allen: Destroy the Islamic State Now The brutal murder of the brave American journalist James Foley is meant to directly terrorize the world’s media, the international community, and the United States. If all the actions of the Islamic State, or IS, to date weren’t sufficiently reprehensible, this act and the potential …

Marcus Aurelius: No Boots on the Ground is a Mantra Not a Strategy Plus Steele to Hagel

‘No Boots on the Ground’ Is a Mantra, Not a Strategy By Gen. Gordon R. Sullivan, U.S. Army retired and Lt. Gen. James M. Dubik, U.S. Army retired Army Magazine, 15 August 2014 No political or military leader responsible for the lives of citizens who become soldiers ever wants to give the order to put …