Robert Steele: FAKE PANDEMIC It’s OVER! [President is Correct — This is the New Hoax aka False Flag.]

20200309: President Trump is going to kick some serious ass very soon. He is aware of the bio-drops and the 5G modulations. My original article in mid-February is here: Robert Steele in Tehran Times: Interview A Counterintelligence Perspective on the Wuhan Virus – A Zionist Bio-War False Flag Attack? VIDEO (6:26): George Carlin on Germs …

Mongoose: Zionists Erasing History to Cover Up Long Standing Plans to Genocide Palestinians

Secret Israeli Document Reveals Plan to Keep Arabs Off Their Lands A document unsealed after 60 years reveals the Israeli government’s secret intentions behind the imposition of a military government on the country’s Arab citizens in 1948: not to enhance security but to ensure Jewish control of the land Safety copy below the fold, we …

State of the Nation: TRUMP PEACE PLAN The Culmination of a 125-Year Long Zionist Conspiracy to Rule the World

TRUMP PEACE PLAN The Culmination of a 125-Year Long Zionist Conspiracy to Rule the World Armenian Genocide, World War I, Spanish Flu Genocide, The Great Depression, World War II, The Holocaust, 9/11 Terrorist Attacks, and the War on Terror all have one thing in common. Each of the listed cataclysms was stealthily carried out to …

James Fetzer: Impeachment Over — Manafort, Flynn, Stone to Be Exonerated — Brennan, Comey, McCabe Headed for Jail. Game, Set, and Match!

Impeachment Nearing Conclusion: Recent Developments Point to Outcome Phi Beta Iota: This is the single best summary of Democratic crimes to date, and why Trump, Manafort, Flynn, and Stone will all be exonerated and why Brennan, Comey, and McCabe are headed for jail. Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler will not be re-elected.  Game, Set, and Match.

NATO Innovation Hub: Survey and Online Conference – Future Operational Environment

Survey U.S. Army’s Mad Scientist Initiative is conducting an online survey querying your thoughts about the Operational Environment. This survey will also feed NATO’s upcoming Operations 2040 Project. It takes only 5 minutes to complete the short survey here. Interim findings will be discussed during the 29 Jan online conference. 29 Jan Online Conference Together …