Stephen E. Arnold: Autonomy – New Kind of Search? Or Does Search Suck Even More These Days?

Autonomy: A New Kind of Search? Autonomy was founded in 1996. That was 17 years ago. In my upcoming KMWorld column for August/September, I point out that search, content processing, and even analytics have been consistent for many years. There are a number of reasons for the “sameness” of systems and the corresponding difficulty prospects …

Stephen E. Arnold: Free DoD Book about Ethical Behavior

Free DoD Book about Ethical Behavior Ethical behavior in the intelligence community is an important consideration. What does the Department of Defense do to assist its personnel in navigating the often-churning waters of day-to-day decision making? The Department of Defense publishes in Microsoft Word format a compendium of stories about ethical lapses in the Department …

Stephen E. Arnold: IBM Makes Hadoop Quick and Easy with BigInsight

IBM Makes Hadoop Quick and Easy with BigInsight The article titled InfoSphere BigInsights on IBM promotes the use of Apache Hadoop, an open source software framework, with IBM’s BigInsight. Not only is the product free to download, but IBM offers BigInsight to simplify Hadoop for users. To begin, visit the Quick Start Edition page, with …

Stephen E. Arnold: Open Source HTTP Crawler (Norconex)

Norconex Offers Open Source HTTP Crawler Most commercial enterprise search vendors offer their own HTTP crawler, and several are open-source. One new entry to the field stands out, though, for its odd blend of web and enterprise search functionality. In the post, “Norconex Gives Back to Open-Source,” Norconex describes their crawler and associated libraries: “The …

Stephen E. Arnold: Corruption in Academic Publishing, Microsoft Code Development, and Reuters Insider Trading

Academic Corruption Judge the Work By Its Quality This methodology causes false facts to be considered truth. Briggs brings up the “Trust In Science Would Be Improved By Study Pre-Registration” signed by more than eighty signatories and for the scientific community to require pre-registration for publishing before results are in. The idea is that journals …

Stephen E. Arnold: DuckDuckGo Clobbering Google Goose – Robert Steele Comments

The Duck Is Gaining Over the Google Goose July 5, 2013 Remember the old child game “duck duck goose?” It is now time to play “duck duck Google” with the top search engine chasing DuckDuckGo around in a circle. The privacy-based search engine may still end up being in the metaphorical pot, but Search Engine …