Stephen E. Arnold: Furthering Free and Online Education

Furthering Free and Online Education The Washington Post reports on a hot topic in education these days: online education. No, this recent article does not simply feature a rundown of online education courses, it delves into the next step: free online text books. The headline reads: “Coursera to Offer Students Free Online Textbooks, with Conditions.” …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google as (Manipulative) Fact Deliverer

Google as a Fact Deliverer Posted: 31 May 2013 06:17 AM PDT I read “Google Adds Nutrition Info for over 1,000 Foods to Search Results.” According to the write up, “Google is incorporating nutrition data into search; beginning today, results will include “extensive” details on calories, carbohydrates, proteins, sugars, and other relevant food info.” How …

Stephen E. Arnold: Bitext Delivers Breakthrough in Localized Sentiment Analysis

Bitext Delivers a Breakthrough in Localized Sentiment Analysis Posted: 28 May 2013 12:52 PM PDT Identifying user sentiment has become one of the most powerful analytic tools provided by text processing companies, and Bitext’s integrative software approach is making sentiment analysis available to companies seeking to capitalize on its benefits while avoiding burdensome implementation costs.  …

Stephen E. Arnold: Data Mining Cell Phones — and Public Data

It Is About Time We Start Data Mining Mobile Phones Posted: 23 May 2013 06:59 AM PDT One of the main areas that companies are failing to collect data on is mobile phones. Interestingly enough, Technology Review has this article to offer the informed reader: “Released: A Trove Of Cell Of Cell Phone Data-Mining Research.” …

Stephen E. Arnold: Analytics Company to Disrupt Digital and Mobile Metrics Emphasis

Analytics Company to Disrupt Digital and Mobile Metrics Emphasis From Business Insider comes news of a potentially disruptive startup: “Mixpanel, A Startup That Wants To Kill Pageviews And Other ‘BS Metrics’ Now Measures 12 Billion Actions Per Month.” Mixpanel Co-founder Suhail Doshi pushes for digital and mobile companies to highlight monthly user engagement numbers instead …