Stephen E. Arnold: Phone Data Value And What Companies Are Doing With It

Phone Data Value And What Companies Are Doing With It May 23, 2013 Smartphones are an extension of a person’s life and they record it every time a person uses it. Smithsonian Magazine takes a look at how phone companies are tracking and using the data from phones in, “What Phone Companies Are Doing With …

Stephen E. Arnold: Search and Business Intelligence “Merge” But Nothing New — with Comment by Robert Steele

Are Search and Business Intelligence Merging? Wrong tense. Search has been sucked into business intelligence as a subordinate or utility function. Consultants and “experts” suggest that search and business intelligence are converging. Information Builders, based in New York City, suggests that the alleged convergence looks like two equally-sized markets merging like a math book’s illustration …

Stephen E. Arnold: Potentially New Web Page Data Mining Tool

Potentially New Web Page Data Mining Tool Extracting content from a Web page can be a maddening process, requiring specialized scripts and time spent coding them. Taking a look at available tools, Softpedia touts “FMiner Pro 7.05.” FMiner Pro is advertised as a reliable application that allows users to easily handle Web content without scripts. …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Implants — You Will Buy What We Are Paid to Tell You to Buy….

Google Implants By 2030? From Marketplace Tech comes an interesting article on Google Glass and the projections into the future in regards to similar projects. The article, “Google’s Ray Kurzweil on the Computers that will Live in our Brains,” discusses how everything Google puts its hands on is changing how we search, retrieve and interact …

Stephen E. Arnold: Connecting the Dots is the Wrong Mind-Set for Intelligence

Connecting the Dots Yields Spotty Results Posted: 10 May 2013 05:30 AM PDT In the aftermath of the Boston bombing, many have discussed whether or not the FBI should have had the capabilities to “connect the dots” to identify and prevent the bomber from following through. Boing Boing reiterates the point that Bruce Schneier made …

Stephen E. Arnold: Open Source Software in Health — The Tsunami Rises

List of New Open Source EHR Software Solutions The innovative community of open source software developers have created many new applications in a variety of fields, but a recent Datamation article narrows in on one field in particular — health care. “50 Open Source Replacements for Health Care Software” shares a rundown on all fifty …