2006 General Accountability Office (GAO) Defense Acquisitions DoD Management Approach and Processes Not Well-Suited to Support Development of Global Information Grid

Oops 2006: DOD’s management approach for the GIG–in which no one entity is clearly in charge or accountable for results–is not optimized to enforce investment decisions across the department. The DOD Chief Information Officer has lead responsibility for the GIG development effort, but this office has less influence on investment and program decisions than the …

Answers on OSINT for India 36: Where Should the Open Source Agency Reside within a National Security Structure?

Sir, You have agreed with BGen James Cox, RN CA, with respect to the need for a separate Open Source Agency equivalent to the separate agencies for signals, imagery, and human intelligence. Given the nature of this agency as a direct support element to decision-makers including the national legislature and domestic customers including governors and …

Answers on OSINT for India 24 – Does Open Source Information Sharing by Secret Agencies Have Security Downsides?

Sir, as we know info sharing is the strategy in OSINT. I observed that info is majorly multi-domain i.e. whatever we collect has security implications in major domains. For example, if a SIGINT operator pounces upon some piece of grey lit that has one portion concerning diplomacy then the same part needs to be conveyed …

Answers on OSINT for India 3 – OSINT & Denied Areas

Sir, kindly guide on – 1- How can OSINT ops be successively conducted on closed information states like China or North Korea? (Attaching a file I had downloaded) 2- Is the information that China generally makes public through its stare-run agencies reliable and sufficient? 3- Is there any research paper or unclassified information over the …