Search: Robert Steele francais

Il ya de nombreux articles en français sur Robert Steele et l’Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) [renseignement avec des sources ouvertes et de méthodes] mouvement, voici les par Robert Steele. Court trajet: 2014-09-13 INTERVIEW Robert Steele with Pierre Cloutier Québec – plaidoyer pour une nation intelligente 1997 Strategic Intelligence in the USA: Myth or Reality? …

Journal: Fight Over the Green North Ramps Up

Arctic sea route to be renamed ‘Canadian Northwest Passage’ The Northeast Passage opens for business In Greenland, warming fuels dream of hidden wealth Greenland Takes a Step Towards Autonomy TrendLines Poll: Should The Yukon Secede from Canada? Toward North Corps: Nurturing the Spirit of Inuit Independence while Pre-empting a Movement for Inuit Secession

Journal: Vermont Commons, Secession, & Collapse

Secession is Constitutional, Abraham Lincoln’s unconstitutional pillaging and looting of the South not-with-standing.   Few are sufficiently educated to actually know that Lincoln did not free the slaves of the north and west and did not have the Constitutional authority to suspend habeas corpus, conscript men of the north, borrow money to wage war on peacefully …