Yoda: Robert E. Wright on Fragile and Unsustainable Lies

Fragile and Unsustainable Lies The longer policymakers allow the pandemic to play out through forced restrictions on natural interaction, the more Americans who will conclude that the public health system and Big Medicine have formed a “complex” akin to the military-industrial and scientific-technical-research complexes that Dwight D. Eisenhower warned Americans about when he left office …

Ed Jewett: Jim Stone – 700,000 PA Ballots Without a Watermark

Per Jim Stone: As of today, it appears the ballot watermark story was true, and it is coming to fruition today. UPDATE: 700,000 Pennsylvania ballots have no watermark and are therefore proven fake. Let’s see CNN say “There is no evidence” now. you know they will! This is not just some idiot sh*tposting this time, …

Lee Camp: Top 10 People to Blame if Joe Biden Loses

Top 10 People to Blame if Joe Biden Loses Joe Biden Democrats in Congress Kamala Harris Bill Clinton US Postal Service Barack Obama DNC Rigged Primaries MSM (23X media coverage gifted to Trump) Joe Biden’s Entire Career Everyone Else Read great article with cartoon for each of the ten above.

State of the Nation: Election Theft 2020

ELECTION THEFT 2020: It’s much worst than we thought! Fake Polls, Rigged Debates, Big Tech Censorship, Mail-in Ballot Fraud, Fixed Voting Precinct Outcomes, Discarded Trump Votes, Banned Republican Advertising, Blocked Tweets and Twitter Accounts, Hacked Voting Machines, Dead Voters, Illegal Voters, Voter Suppression, Ballot Box Intimidation, Talk of 25th Amendment, Democrat Lawfare in Blue States, …