Review: Open Your Mind Change – A Guidebook to The Great Awakening

6 Stars – Mind-Altering Book for Good of Humanity I wrote the Foreword, which you can read at the book’s original post (it is also offered free online at the author’s website but I have ordered the hard copy as a collector’s item and recommend you do as well). Martin Geddes, whom I have interviewed …

Robert Steele: Reflections on Cyber-Integrity & Why We Suck At It . . .

Cyber-Integrity – Is Bad Code the Horseshoe Nail that Costs Us Everything? CIA created the Artificial Intelligence Staff (OIT/AIS) around me in 1986. I quickly learned that all code lacked documentation and was full of holes. By 1994 I was the invited opening speaker for Hackers on Planet Earth, invited to join the Silicon Valley …

Cynthia McKinney: It Ain’t Over — Court Update

1. Establishment Republicans never supported Trump, anyway—including the ones who tolerated him as President 2. Neither Trump nor Ronna Romney McDaneil ever “Trumpified” the Republican Party, making defections easier for the Dems to now cull from the Repubs. Where We Stand on Court Cases State by State Today:

The Steele Report Questions Being Answered Today

FREE BECAUSE IT IS VITAL: Supreme Court decision can best be understood as setting the stage for the five swing state legislatures disregarding their rigged public vote and sending Trump electors next week. Under the same reasoning, other states will not have standing to object.

Jim Willie: Supreme Court Election 2020 Bottom Line

Friend of the Court: Original Jurisdiction by Jim Willie CB    December 8, 2020 – Republished with Permission SUMMARY Much distraction has come with state level hearings and corrupt panels in the so-called swing states during the US Presidential Election. The Trump Legal team has two layers at work. The first is visible to the public, …