Stephen E. Arnold: Google to Fund News — Only Google-Approved News with Be “True” News

Google-Publishers Partnership Chases True News It appears as though Google is taking the issue of false information, and perhaps even their role in its perpetuation, seriously; The Drum reveals, “Google Says it Wants to Fund the News, Not Fake It.” Reporters Jessica Goodfellow and Ronan Shields spoke with Google’s Madhav Chinnappa to discuss the Digital …

Stephen E. Arnold: #GoogleGestapo Serf Reports on Death of Publishers

Demonizing the Ever Helpful Alaphabet Google XXVI Things Gentle reader, I am horrified at the indirect vilification of my beloved Alphabet Google XXVI things. You must judge for yourself. Navigate to “A Serf on Google’s Farm.” A serf, as I understand the term is a person who is in thrall to a noble. The noble …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Invests in Robot Reporters — Where’s the Truth?

Google Invests in Robot Reporters People fear that robots will replace them in the workforce, but reporters did not have to deal with this worry.  Machines lack the capability to write cohesive news pieces, except that robots are getting smarter.  Google might become the bane of news reporters, because of Business Insider shares that, “Google …

Stephen E. Arnold: #GoogleGestapo – Russia Demands Google Register its “Agents”

Russia Demands Google Register or Leave Say, this could be good news for Yandex, the Russian search giant. RT News reports, “Google News Given 3 Mths to Comply with New Law to Stay in Russia.” If Google fails to register, it could be fined and, eventually, blocked within Russia’s borders. See Also: #GoogleGestapo @ Phi …

Stephen E. Arnold: #GoogleGestapo Defines Censorship Terms

Google and Hate Speech: None of This I Know It When I See It I read “YouTube Clarifies “Hate Speech” Definition and Which Videos Won’t Be Monetized.” I don’t know much about defining abstractions because I live in rural Kentucky. Our governor just recommended prayer patrols to curb violence in Louisville, home of the Derby …

Stephen E. Arnold: Facebook Targetting Vulnerable Kids – A Branch of #GoogleGestapo?

Facebook Excitement: The Digital Country and Kids I read “Facebook Admits Oversight after Leak Reveals Internal Research On Vulnerable Children.” The write up reports that an Australian newspaper: reported that Facebook executives in Australia used algorithms to collect data on more than six million young people in Australia and New Zealand, “indicating moments when young …

Stephen E. Arnold: #GoogleGestapo – Dealing with “Deplorable” Content — Google Decides, Badly, without Legal Due Process Never Mind the First Amendment…

Revealing the Google Relevance Sins I was surprised to read “Google’s Project Owl”. Talk about unintended consequences. An SEO centric publication reported that Google was going to get on the stick and smite fake news and “problematic content.” (I am not sure what “problematic content” is because I think a person’s point of view influences …