Stephen E. Arnold: Google AI Bombs Big — PBI: But Eric Schmidt Has No Problem Defining Trump as Toxic…

Alphabet Google Smart Software Cannot Define Hate I read “Alphabet’s Hate Fighting AI Doesn’t Understand Hate Yet.” That struck me as odd. I learned in “Google’s AI Learned to Be Highly Aggressive When Stressed.” I assumed that an aggressive AI would take on an online dictionary, wrest the definition of hate from the Web site, …

Stephen E. Arnold: Video 7 Minutes – Google The Calculating Predator Legacy

The seven minute video — Google: The Calculating Predator Legacy — presents findings from Stephen E Arnold’s monograph about the Google system from 2004 to 2007. The company changed from a friendly Web search system into an enterprise focused on revenues and profit as a publicly traded company. Topics covered in the video include the …

Stephen E. Arnold: Censoring Reality — From China to Europe, Facebook & Google Are Lead Censors…

When Censorship Means More Money, Facebook Leans In The article on Vanity Fair titled Facebook Is Reportedly Building a Censorship Tool to Win Over China suggests that the people nervous about what it will mean to address the fake news proliferation are correct. The fear that Facebook managing fake news stories might lead to actual …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google’s Closed (Controlled) Jail Yard

Google and the Mobile Traffic Matter I read a couple of writes up about “Google May Be Stealing Your Mobile Traffic.” Quite surprisingly there was a response to these “stealing” articles by Google. You can read the explanation in a comment by Malte Ubl in the original article (link here).   . . .  Today’s Google …