Stephen E. Arnold: The Limits of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

A Former Search Wizard Explains Why Artificial Intelligence May Be a Bit of a Challenge Artificial intelligence is the next evolution of digital technology and experts predict we are going to rely on AI as much as the Internet. While AI is amazing, many projects built around AI fail to deliver the promised results. Louis …

Robert Steele @ Amazon: REINVENTING INTELLIGENCE – 30 Years in the Wilderness

EPIC FULL COLOR 8.5″ x 11″ From 1989 to 2019 — for 30 years — the author, himself a former CIA spy and Marine Corps intelligence officer as well as the senior civilian responsible for creating the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity (MCIA), has sought to reform U.S. Intelligence. The secret world costs the U.S. taxpayer …

Ed Jewett: US Intelligence Community Admits Ineptitude with Open Source Information

 Intel Community Grapples With Key Open Source Intel “In our defeat-ISIS activities, we’ve had a struggle and presently continue to struggle with the challenge of open source and publicly available information, and how we leverage that to make it truly useful for the warfighter,” Jospeh Votel, former head of both Special Operations Command and Central …