Berto Jongman: Society Needs a Reboot for the Fourth Industrial Revolution — Says the World Economic Forum

We need a new Operating System for the Fourth Industrial Revolution A new era is unfolding at breakneck speed. It has huge potential to address some of the world’s most critical challenges, from food security, to reducing congestion in big cities, to increasing energy efficiency, to accelerating cures to the most intractable diseases. But it …

Amazon Kindle: Peace in the Middle East: Denuclearizing Israel, Restoring Palestine, and More (Trump Revolution Book 30)

Everybody has this wrong – Trump is not bluffing and he is not Netanyahu’s puppet. What has really happened here is that Xi, Trump, and Putin agreed over a year ago to take down the Deep State. The denuclearization of Korea, combined with the destruction of the old banking order, will be followed by the …

Robert Steele: Peace in the Middle East – Denuclearizing Israel, Restoring Palestine, and More (Trump Revolution 30)

Peace in the Middle East Denuclearizing Israel, Restoring Palestine, and More Robert David Steele Russian International Affairs Council 18 May 2018 Everybody has this wrong – Trump is not bluffing and he is not Netanyahu’s puppet. What has really happened here is that Xi, Trump, and Putin agreed over a year ago to take down …

Amazon Kindle: Koreas Unite, Denuclearize, Middle East Next – After a Global Financial Reset – Ideas for Iran (Trump Revolution Book 29)

This thirteen page document with 35 endnotes and close to 50 links, discusses the elements of the global financial reset that is occurring this week, and that will set the stage for a “big fix” in the Middle East. It provides a strategic information operations concept for Iran to consider that stomps down hard on …

Amazon Kindle: Anti-Intelligence: What happens when the president goes to war with his own spies? (Trump Revolution Book 28)

I strongly recommend that every thoughtful patriot click on the first link in the text and read the free online article by James Bamford before reading my reflections. James Bamford is arguably the finest open source researcher on the topic of the National Security Agency in history. Among his many works the best have been …