Search: Integrity

We worship at the altar of integrity, for us “God” is integrity manifest in all things at all times. Hence, Hell is what we have now, with corruption rampant, true costs concealed and externalized to the public, and a potential paradise lost to the ten high-level threats to humanity: poverty, infectious disease, environmental degradation, inter-state …

Review: Rethink–A Business Manifesto for Cutting Costs and Boosting Innovation

It’s About Context, Business Ecosystems, and IT Impact September 18, 2010 Ric Merrifield I bought this book on the recommendation of a colleague whom I have known for twenty years, both of us members of the Silicon Valley Hackers Conference started by Stewart Brand and now managed by Glen Tenney. When I came to buy …

Journal: Wal-Mart Wants to Screw 1.5 Million Women (Again, This Time in Front of the Supreme Court)

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. asked the U.S. Supreme Court to block female employees from suing on behalf of as many as 1.5 million women in what would be the largest gender-bias suit against a private employer in U.S. history. . . . . . . . The company agreed in 2008 to pay as much as …

Journal: UN on Food Security, It’s All Connected

Renewed instability in global food markets requires urgent response, UN expert said An independent United Nations human rights expert today called on governments and the international community to promptly tackle the renewed instability of global food markets, noting the related social unrest that has hit some countries in recent weeks. Tip of the Hat to …