OpenBSC & OpenBTS

OpenBSC is worth a close look. OpenBSC is the current name for a software program that started with the name bs11-abis. What is OpenBSC It is a BSC (Base Station Controller) side implementation of the A-bis protocol, as implemented in the GSM Technical Specification 08.5x and 12.21. It implements a minimal subset of the BSC, …

References on Intelligence Analysis

Intelligence Analysis: Behavioral and Social Scientific Foundations National Research Council, 2011 Intelligence Analysis for Tomorrow: Advances from the Behavioral and Social Sciences National Research Council, 2011 Phi Beta Iota: There is nothing in either of these that Jack Davis, Stephen Andriole, Andy Shepard, and a whole lot of others do not already know.  Going through …

Event: 1-2 June London Cyber-Security Summit

Program as of March 2011 Phi Beta Iota: Those organizing, and those named as confirmed and invited, are the “creme de la creme” of the old regimes.   There isnt’ a hacker, autonomous internet, cloud, anonymous/transparency, open anything participant in the whole lot.  And the youth–by invitation only, as if the organizers have any legitimacy among …

Best of HAARP

2011 11 11 What is HAARP–Did HAARP Cause Japanese Disaster? (VIDEO Benjamin Fulford) 2010 05 05  Are We in a HAARP “Earthquake War?” (Before It’s News) 2010 01 15  13 reasons to suspect HAARP caused Haiti quake (Ethericplane) 2007 01 12  What’s Killing the Birds? (John Lewis) 2004 Estimated Take This HAARP and Shove It …

VECTOR: Autonomous Internet Building Block?

VECTOR Managed Service Platform is a rapidly deployable, cloud-managed technology innovation that can take you in new directions. VECTOR’s game changing combination of technologies, integrated on one plug and play platform provides the IT infrastructure necessary to set up your remote office or project office. VECTOR Chart in PDF Form – VECTOR Home Page 1 …

Event: 24 March Bethesda MD Health Informatics Sponsored by Twitter @DCHealth2.0

Plan to join us the evening of March 24th to hear a rapid-fire series of short presentations from five Health Informatics leaders. The presentations will be followed by a panel style Q&A session that will explore a range of topics surrounding Health Informatics. 1. Exploring the role of medical image informatics in clinical practice: Outcomes …