Berto Jongman: Bits, Bytes, & Stuff

CYBER: Cyber’s Most Wanted DEFENSE: Iranian Mass Production of Coastal Submarines OPEN: interview With FBI Profiler of Psychopaths, Mary Ellen O’Toole OPEN: Italy Rise of Pitchfork Populists (USA Next?) OPEN: Lies About Singularity OPEN:  Missing Links: Access to Papers’ Raw Data Plummets by 17% Each Year OPEN: NSA Mismanagement, NSA Retaliation Against Whistleblowers (Kirb Wiebe) …

Patrick Tucker: ESRI Mapping the Future with Big Data + Big Data @ PBI

Mapping the Future with Big Data A little-known California company called Esri offers a “Facebook for Maps” that promises to change the way we interact with our environment, predict behavior, and make decisions in the decades ahead. The setting is central California’s Yosemite National Park. A hiker, let’s call him Steve Clark, has gone missing …

Berto Jongman: Bits, Bytes, & Stuff

ANALYSIS: Methodology to Analyze Future Security Threats (3): Scenarios as an Organic Living System BOOK: Evaluation Methodologies for Aid in Conflict BOOK: Global Intellectual History BOOK: Governing the World: The History of an Idea, 1815 to the Present CYBER: BIOS Malware Can Destroy Any Computer

Stephen E. Arnold: Microsoft Bing – Tits Up, No Milk + Microsoft @ PBI

Whither the Bing Thing in 2014? I found the data in the “2013 Bing Infographic” surprising. I continue to think of Bing as a search and retrieval system. I don’t use the system directly. I prefer to run queries on metasearch systems that use Bing as one source of content. The reason for my indirect …