Mongoose: PizzaGate Pedophilia Updates — Vatican Nervous — Emerging Exposure of Child Protective Services (CPS) as a Criminal Network Harvesting Poor Children for Rich Pedophiles — Massive Censorship Underway Across Facebook, Google, YouTube

This is real, this is deep, this is not going away. Pedophilia is the “last straw” for a public that is now paying attention. Pedophilia will bring down both the Republican and the Democratic “Establishment” as well as their elite overseers from Wall Street to the City of London. While we have no direct knowledge, …

Mongoose: Was Andrew Breitbart Murdered for Investigating PizzaGate in 2012?

Tip of the Hat to Frank Bacon. Andrew Breitbart – Was he murdered for investigating pizzagate back in 2012 ? [Compilation in progress] Andrew Breitbart was a journalist, author and tv personality as well as founder of the Breitbart News Network. He has been a vocal critic of many US policies, and towards the end …

Mongoose: Brandon Smith on Trump as a Fall-Guy and Fascist Threat to the Liberty Movement Order Out Of Chaos: The Defeat Of The Left Comes With A Cost As I noted in my last article World Suffers From Trump Shellshock – Here’s What Happens Next, there are two primary consequences of a Trump presidency that actually serve globalists and elites in the long run. The first is the consequence …

Mongoose: PizzaGate – More on Washington DC Occult Elite Pedophilia — Podesta Central, FBI Hand-Cuffed?

“Pizzagate”: How 4Chan Uncovered the Sick World of Washington’s Occult Elite Posters over at 4Chan and Reddit have been conducting an extremely bizarre investigation following the John Podesta e-mail leak (Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman) and the results are surreal: They’ve apparently uncovered an elite child trafficking network which celebrates its tendencies using code words and disturbing artworks.

Mongoose: Washington DC Pedophilia – is Comet Ping Pong Ground Zero? Should FBI Director James Comey Focus on James Achilles Alefantis and His DC Elite Clients?

We have no direct knowledge. Below is one of the better “citizen intelligence minuteman” compilations we have seen. We anticipate a surge of citizen outrage against elite pedophiles, satanists, and serial murderers of activists and opponents, doing the job the FBI should be but is not doing. Tip of the hat to ausbitbank for their …

Mongoose: Electoral College To Overturn Trump Win? UPDATE 2 – Soros Buys Stein, Clinton Smells Blood, Trump Silent…

SHORT URL: UPDATE 2: Soros and others have bought Jill Stein, never the brightest nor most ethical person, she is seizing her $7 million and fifteen minutes of fame, and badly so. This is a presidential candidate who is so ignorant of the twelve ways the system is rigged she cannot even pretend to …