Kevin Barrett: NYT on Syria — All the Fake News Fit to Print — NYT Deceives, Lies, & Offers No Value to the Public

New York Times on “Aleppo’s Destroyers”: All the fake news that’s fit to print The New York Times has been leading the charge against “fake news.” Yet its own reporting and editorial positions are often as one-sided, distorted, or downright mendacious as the worst of the pseudo-alternative websites. The Times’ coverage of wars, especially those of …

Robert Steele: Barack Obama Mis-Informed, John Brennan a Liar — Van Jones (Crap News Network) and Marc Zuckerberg (Facebook) are All Outright Liars — Fake News is What White House, Mainstream & Social Media Mandarins “Do” UPDATE 2

UPDATE 2: Calls to delay electoral college vote on Trump presidency as 70 members demand Russia hack details UPDATE 1: Sam Biddle at The Intercept: Here’s the Public Evidence Russia Hacked the DNC — It’s Not Enough Here is the “official” narrative from the White House relying on CIA (John Brennan, not the many good …

James Clapper: John Brennan is Fired, the CIA Report is Rescinded, the Russians Did Not “Hack” the Election

As suggested to Jim Clapper via email. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Office of the Director of National Intelligence I have demanded the resignation of John Brennan and I am officially rescinding the CIA report on Russian interference in the US election. The CIA has no sources worthy of consideration, and their analysis is without foundation. There …

Robert Steele: The Hill (Julian Hattem) Full of Crap — Fake News — Their Slam on David Petraeus is in Error and Infantile — Hard Copy Sharing with A Cleared Officer versus Electronic Treason — and Heterosexual Adultery versus Pedophilia? UPDATE 1

The Hill has published a crap story by someone who is probably not stupid, just “owned.” To the Editor <> As a former spy, founder of the Marine Corps Intelligence Center, and the most published intelligence reformer in the English language, with eight books, two with forewords from Chairmen of the SSCI (Boren and Roberts), …

Review: The Muhammad Code – How a Desert Prophet Brought You ISIS, al Qaeda, and Boko Haram

Howard Bloom A Worst Case Documentation of Islam as Evil  EDIT of 20161201: Religion is one of the most complicated topics, and it is very hard for most people to grasp that at root most religions based on dogma, including Catholicism, are a mix of outright fabrication (for example, see Christ’s Ventriloquists: The Event that …

Jan Oberg: The White Helmets Covert Operation Media Influence Scam — Sweden’s Right Livelihood Award Going to Con Artists

Just how grey are the White Helmets and their backers? Phi Beta Iota: A superb analysis of what appears to be a covert action media influence scam created by a mercenary with the full support of the US, UK, and Arab governments, with the intent of dominating the media narrative about Syria toward the regime …