Yoda: Ecuador to Screw Assange? Signs Trump Trying to Save Him?

Sad be we. Integrity not, Ecuador? Former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa: Assange’s Days in Ecuadorian Embassy Are Numbered According to a report from ABC International, Correa told reporters during a meeting with the media at the International Press Club of Madrid that current Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno is caving to pressure from the United States. …

Robert Steele: James Bamford on Anti-Intelligence -Trump’s War on the IC (Trump Revolution 28)

Anti-Intelligence What happens when the president goes to war with his own spies? The New Republic 19 March 2018 Phi Beta Iota: Bamford understates the cost of the IC – over eight years Obama spent close to $400 billion, not the $100 billion that Bamford cites. If one includes hidden support costs in other budgets, …

Berto Jongman: Trump & The Truth — Comment by Robert Steele

Trump and the Truth: A President Tests His Own Credibility Since Mr. Trump became a presidential candidate, PolitiFact has evaluated more than 500 assertions and found 69 percent of them mostly false, false or “pants on fire” false. By comparison, it judged 26 percent of the statements by Mr. Obama that it evaluated as false …