Robert Steele: Is Zionism Over? From Korea to Syria to the Latest #GoogleGestapo Purge, President Donald Trump’s Divorce from Zionism Appears Increasingly Possible (Trump Revolution 24)

Is Zionism Over? From Korea to Syria to the Latest #GoogleGestapo Purge, President Donald Trump’s Divorce from Zionism Appears Increasingly Possible SHORT URL To Original: Robert David Steele American Herald Tribune 6 March 2018  Full Text & Two Graphics Below the Fold.

Henry Siegman: Zionism Strike 10 — The Implications of President Trump’s Jerusalem Ploy

The Implications of President Trump’s Jerusalem Ploy No country has a right to grab territory outside its own borders, whether for its capital or a parking lot. So the issue is not the status of Jerusalem as a capital, but whether Jerusalem is within Israel’s borders. It is not. That is so because both the …

Robert Steele: Trump Triumph in 3 Moves UPDATE 8 WH 4.0, Trump 2.0, #UNRIG 4.0

SHORT URL: Published 20171026, update 20190203 The loss of the House is both threatening and an opportunity. Despite growing Democratic scandals  (including Mossad control of Debbie Wasserman Schultz to spy on Members with Pakistani patsies and Democratic funding of the false dossier by Christopher Steele (no relation)) and Clinton Foundation charity fraud connected to …

Robert Steele: Privatizing Covert Operations – The Most Asinine, Unconstitutional, Unethical Idea of the 21st Century (Trump Revolution 20)

Privatizing Covert Operations The Most Asinine, Unconstitutional, Unethical Idea of the 21st Century UPDATE 1: BoingBoing is saying Blackwater also proposed killing Trump enemies within the USA. I doubt this but am asking around. ORIGINAL (also a Kindle) If Mike Pompeo wants to commit virtual suicide and end his prospects of being an effective Secretary …