Berto Jongman: Sandy Hook’s Disappearing Witnesses

Sandy Hook’s Disappearing Witnesses Tony Mead Activist Post Close to nineteen months have passed since the event known as the Sandy Hook Massacre transpired. Amazingly, there has still been no conclusive evidence put forth by any of the families affected or the investigators involved to dispel the many ‘conspiracy theories’ that have evolved from the …

Jim Fetzer: More Proof Sandy Hook Staged Event with Actors — Complex Details with Documentary and Photographic Evidence of a Mass Deception

School closed, actors used: Robbie Parker, entertainer, exposed by Jim Fetzer and Victoria Muramoto “In the end, that’s what this election is about. Do we participate in a politics of cynicism or a politics of hope?”–Barack Obama As I have previously explained (“Sandy Hook Elementary School: closed in 2008, a stage in 2012″), the school …

Abe Lederman: Deep Web versus Dark Web — Correcting TIME Magazine’s 2013 Errors About the “Secret Web”

PHI BETA IOTA: As recently as 2013, TIME Magazine has made the mistake — in a cover story no less — of equating the Deep Web to the Dark Web. One is unindexed and legal, the other is anonymous and often invisible as well as criminal. For TIME Magazine to not know the difference — …

Jean Lievens: Stacco Troncoso Shares Helene Finidori on FLOK Society and the Commons

Helene Finidori on FLOK Society and the Commons Here’s an excellent summary, written by our good friend Helene Finidori from the Commons Abundance Network, on FLOK Society’s historical significance for the Commons and P2P movements. The article was originally published in STIR magazine and Helene has kindly given us permission to republish it here. This column was …

Chuck Spinney: Freeman Dyson – Great Science Demands Great Blunders and Good Losers – Nature Never Loses and Always Plays Fair

The author of the attached book review is a brilliant writer as well as one of the last of the great 20th Century scientists. “The Case for Blunders” is an important subject, because the confusion of theory with facts is perhaps the most persistent “Orientation” problem misshaping the OODA loops driving contemporary political discourse in …

Guy Murchie: The Transcendence of Consciousness

DharmaCafe says: For all that is being written today about spirituality and the “new biology,”  bestselling science popularizer Guy Murchie’s classic work, The Seven Mysteries of Life, published in 1978, may come closest to touching divinity. by Guy Murchie To think of worlds beyond this world and muse upon the idea of one’s consciousness being …