School closed, actors used: Robbie Parker, entertainer, exposed
by Jim Fetzer and Victoria Muramoto
“In the end, that’s what this election is about. Do we participate in a politics of cynicism or a politics of hope?”–Barack Obama
As I have previously explained (“Sandy Hook Elementary School: closed in 2008, a stage in 2012″), the school appears to have been non-operational during at least the four years prior to the events of 14 December 2012.
There is lots of confirming evidence, with or without the Wayback Machine’s indirect proof–that if there was no internet activity on specific days, probably there was none during the interval within which they fall–that confirms it had been closed.
In addition to not being compliant with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), video footage shows that it was being used as a storage facility, where even The Newtown Bee reported that it was laden with asbestos and other bio-hazards. No student should have been there.
More proof it had been abandoned
Moreover, no activities of the kinds that are commonplace at elementary schools, such as spelling bees with winners, students of the month, teachers of the year, and so on, were being announced from 2008-2012:
And, in response to the republication of “The Newtown School Board Meeting and the meaning of silence” on James Tracy’s memoryholeblog.com, John Luv offer the following telling observations:
John Luv says:
Mr. Fetzer, you need to pour over hard copy newspapers from the Hartford Courant or the Danbury Newspaper, not the Newtown Bee that cover the time frame of 2008 to 2012. I know that you will not find one word of Sandy Hook Elementary School with the exception of the issue of 12-14-12 in any of those papers. You will find plenty of information on the other Newtown Schools concerning Honor Rolls, budgets, meetings, cancellations, etc. This hard copy proves that the name Sandy Hook Elementary School was not in print for that four year period.
I have been looking for old Hartford and Danbury Newspapers from the 1980s and 1990s. Old print hardcopy newspapers can’t be forged like internet articles. There is an article in print out there that details the closing of Sandy Hook Elementary School. Key years in those newspapers to check are 1980 around May or June and also 1995/1996 when Fairfield Hills Hospital in Newtown closed. There would be information out there in hard copy world when this school actually closed. When this article is found, the actual newspaper can be used as evidence and made public for all to see.
Most of us who have researched this event from day one know that the school was clearly closed. Let’s all look for the actual newspaper that mentions this fact. It could have been closed as early as 1980 based on the conditions of the parking lot alone. It could have been closed in conjunction with Fairfield HIlls in the 1990s. Archived articles can be compromised. A Hoarder’s copies of newspapers should still be intact. Government agents are very smart, but they are not perfect.
After all, how much easier to manage the deception if they did not have to deal with the evacuation of some 600 or more additional students and around 75 members of the staff, including the administration, the custodians and the other teachers, who were invisible on 14 December 2012. 600 students would be hard to conceal. Where are they?

No students, teachers or staff / no buses, no EMTs, no ambulances, no Med-Evac chopper
Not only was it unnecessary for there to be a surge of EMTs into the building and no reason to summon Med-Evac helicopters, but there was not even any need for buses, who would simply been a distraction. As we know, none of the above were there because they simply were not needed. It was a mock terror drill.
As Wikipedia reports, “On January 31 [2013], the Newtown school board voted unanimously to ask for police officer presence in all of its elementary schools; previously other schools in the district had such protection, but Sandy Hook had not been one of those”, which would make sense if the school had already been closed.
Who was responsible and why

We know this was a drill and not a bona fide emergency, where Governor Malloy, during a press conference held that day, explained that he and the Lt. Governor had been “spoken to” that something like this might happen. But what could he possibly have meant by that? What kind of “something like this” might happen?
There are only two alternatives. Either (1) he had been told that a shooting would take place in his state that would result in the deaths of many children; or (2) he was told that a drill would be conducted that would be presented as a live event. Since he took no steps to insure that (1) did not occur, the answer has to be (2).
And Governor Malloy received a visit from Attorney General Eric Holder less than a month before this event, where he must have been the person who spoke to him. And if Eric Holder was involved, then his boss, the President of the United States, has to have been involved, too. And we now have more proof that was indeed the case.
We caught him! Robbie Parker, crisis actor, at long last exposed!
by Victoria Muramoto (with Jim Fetzer)

We have located the one person who is going to blow the lid off THE MOCK TERROR, Sandy Hook School, shooting. He is infamously known as “Robbie Parker”, the father of Emilie Parker, who was allegedly killed during the 14 December 2012 Sandy Hook School shooting. Actually, his name isn’t Robbie Parker. His name is Samuel Travis Delaney.
Growing up, Samuel Delaney lived on Brookhurst Drive in Richardson, TX. He is approximately in his mid-forties. He and his brother, Matthew Delaney, were born to Travis and Cynthia Delaney. He was married to a Elizabeth Bellanti, though they have no children and recently divorced. And lest I not forget, Samuel Travis Delaney, is a professional actor. (See [Robbie's Press Conference] and [The 911 Call].)
Samuel Travis Delaney (aka “Robbie Parker”) is an actor, an entertainer and a musician who uses multiple aliases, including Robbie Parker, John Matthew Walker, Samuel Adams (his favorite beer, we were told) and Eugene Rosenberg, which is his alias on YouTube. (See [facebook, Robbie Parker] and [facebook, John Matthew Walker].)
Robbie was the “poster boy” as a grieving parent who lost his daughter Emilie, in what we now understand was a cleverly contrived psychological warfare campaign known as “the Sandy Hook shooting”. This chameleon-like con-man, it appears, had one and only one purpose–to help to sell a lie. We have even uncovered his audition tape for Sandy Hook. Truth can be felt and lies sensed . . . . the unforeseen glitch.
See additional images and other documentation on actor central to the Sandy Hook drama.
Phi Beta Iota: We have no direct knowledge. We do see a trend line, from 9/11 on to Sandy Hook and the Boston Bombings — the perpetrators are certain the US public is stupid and inattentive. There is ample evidence to demand indictments and a proper investigation, that that will not happen as long as a two-party tyranny control government of, by, and for the 1%.
See Also:
Boston Bombing @ Phi Beta Iota