Robert Steele: Mattis Resignation Most Helpful — Reaction of Congress Reveals Degree to Which ALL Members are Bribed and Blackmailed by Zionist Israel and US Military-Industrial Complex UPDATE 8

The resignation of James Mattis as Secretary of Defense is both necessary and timely. The Secretary of Defense simply does not “get” that the Koreas will be unified, denuclearized, and demilitarized; that most if not all US bases overseas will be closed starting in Germany and the Italy and Japan; and that it was  the …

Yoda: How President Trump Can “Red Pill” America

10 Ways President Trump Can ‘Red Pill The Masses’ In America And Why It’s More Important Now Than Ever To Prepare For The Inevitable: ‘The End Of Normalcy Is Here 8 More Ways President Trump Can ‘Red Pill’ The Masses: From Hiding The ‘True History Of Planet Earth’ To ‘Human Experimentation’, The American People Have …

Robert Steele: The Second American Revolution – Abbreviated Reflections

The Second American Revolution – Abbreviated Reflections Russian International Affairs Council 26 November 2018 I had occasion recently to engage with the thinking of the very talented Professor Igor Panarin, a most distinguished Russian intelligence officer and strategic forecaster, and today the dean of the Russian school for future diplomats. In 1998 he predicted the …