Owl: Seth Rich Story Censored by Huffington Post — Sean Hannity to be Fired by Fox?

This article was published by Huffington Post two days ago and pulled within 12 hours. Only a cached version now exists. The article itself is interesting, but even more so the fact that it was quickly removed. Why Is It Blasphemous for Kim Dotcom to Testify Under Oath in Congress? This is a developing story. …

Owl: Trump and the Oligarchy Are One — Was It $20B or $30B That Bribed Trump?

Oligarchy and Trump are One This article, drawing from an old sociological study on oligarchies supplanting democracies, provides further evidence that Trump no longer represents a populist constituency, he is fully enrolled in the oligarchic agenda. New boss is same as the old boss. Trump is the new face of the oligarchy he railed against …

Owl: Beyond Trump to Trumpism — Dump the Man, Build the Movement

Beyond Trump to Trumpism In a recent Tweet, John Robb states that Trump thought, mistakenly, that his candidacy was about him. No, rather it was about his insurgency and the ideas justifying it. Justin Raimondo has recognized this in his own way in a new column (plus others) where he makes the case that Trump …