Eagle: USAF Dumps 976 Pieces of 274 Veteran Bodies in Landfill [2003-2008 Reported in 2011]

Number of dead U.S. soldiers’ remains dumped in landfill sites is revealed by Army… and it’s much higher than expected 274 soldiers’ remains were thrown in Virginia dump site Total comprised 976 ‘body fragments’, says mortuary records Gavin Allen MailOnline, 8 December 2011 EXTRACT: The scandal at Dover Air Force base began after complaints by …

Michael Ostrolenk: Impeachable Offenses by Veteran’s Administration and Secretary of Defense — VA Whistleblower Ignites Firestorm on Hill Over Stonewalling of Gulf War Illnesses

Meanwhile, 22 veterans a day (up from 18) commit suicide and this is beneath notice by the President of the United States of America. Phi Beta Iota:  Complete story below the line. VA Whistleblower Ignites Firestorm Over Vets’ Illnesses  It’s not every day that a scientist creates such intense drama on Capitol Hill. Kelly Vlahos …

Mini-Me: Boston Media Manipulation, Known Veteran Double-Amputee Brought in as Actor — Amputees in Action Business — Clergy Barred from “Injured” UPDATE 1.4

Huh? Tell others please — Rolling Stone, Mother Jones, The Nation — now is the time for the public to come together. Update 1.4  There is a very good chance no one was actually injured and this was a “no real blood” false flag.  Tell others.  The second post below is the new master post …

Marcus Aurelius: White House Taxing Veterans & Military

BOTTOM LINE, UP FRONT: Once again, POTUS is seeking to stick it to the military via his budget. Current issues are escalating costs for a apparently all TRICARE categories, depressed pay raises for active duty military, and restrained cost of living allowances, via “chained CPI,” for military retired pay. Invite your attention to Military Officers …

Mini-Me: Veteran Suicides in 2012 — 1 Per Day from AF/IQ 18 Per Day All Wars

Huh? The Invisible Wounds of War: Number of Soldiers Committing Suicide Reaches Record High Amy Goodman Democracy Now, 21 August 2012 EXTRACT: MARGUERITE GUZMÁN BOUVARD: That’s right. And before I—after I finished that book, finally the Department of Defense was letting out these statistics. They were not letting them out before. I tried to get …

Penguin: Military Suicides in 2012 – 1 a Day Active, 18 a Day Veterans

Extreme Cognitive Dissonance or ECD? Active Force The Invisible Wounds of War: Number of Soldiers Committing Suicide Reaches Record High U.S. military facing ‘epidemic’ of suicides U.S. military averaging a suicide a day in 2012 U.S. Army suicides reached record monthly high in July U.S. Military Suicides in 2012: 155 Days, 154 Dead Veterans 18 …

DefDog: IAEA Veteran’s Letter “No Iran Bomb” Being Ignored

I know nothing about the science, but this seems credible–certainly worth considering. World Renown Nuke Expert Nails Bibi to the Wall on Iran Bomb Threat Jim W. Dean EXTRACT (Letter Only, Editorial Hyperbole Detracts) Dear Prime Minister Netanyahu: Iran may be in your red zone, but can not score. Sure, Iran could divert a few …