Reference: Concept of Operations (CONOP) for the National Maritime Intelligence Center (NMIC)

Rear Admiral Gilbride has promulgated the Concept of Operations (CONOP) for the National Maritime Intelligence Center (NMIC), effective 19 August 2009. It is quite good and serves as a model for all others.  it is, as of now, the single best attempt to truly integrate the concerns and capabilities of the inter-agency community of interest. …

Journal: DoD Eyes Program Cuts To Fill $60B Shortfall

By JOHN T. BENNETT Published: 3 August 2009 As the Pentagon prepares to bolster its counterinsurgency capabilities, the big winners appear to be light intratheater cargo planes, unmanned aerial vehicles, countermine warfare systems. Losers may include amphibious craft, heavy armored vehicles and air defense systems, according to defense officials and experts. . . . . …

EUCOM Week in Review ending 22 July 2009

Hot Topics AZ:  Azerbaijan-Russia gas deal mainly attributable to Russias defense 07/17/09 BA:  Bosnians Got What They Voted For 07/20/09 BG:  Court action against Bulgarian military for gender discrimination 07/19/09 DE:  France, Germany vie to sell Pakistan subs 07/22/09 IL:  In Possible Iran Signal, Israeli Boats Cross Suez 07/21/09 IL:  Mossad and Military Intelligence engaged …