Review: Legacy of Secrecy–The Long Shadow of the JFK Assassination

Smoke Book–False and Fed Documents to Obscure Reality August 4, 2010 Lamar Waldron I spent a good bit of time with this book today, getting more and more irritated as I went through it. Here is my bottom line: this book in its earlier and current version may well be a CIA-facilitated and managed covert …

Secrecy News: From Gingrich to Obama–“We Don’t Need No Stinking Constitution…”

EXTRAJUDICIAL TARGETING OF AMERICANS CHALLENGED Two civil liberties organizations said they will file a legal challenge against the government’s suspected targeting for assassination of an American supporter of Al Qaeda, arguing that under the U.S. Constitution no citizen can be “deprived of life… without due process of law.” The American Civil Liberties Union and the …

Journal: Shoot the Messenger–Not the Originators

Phi Beta Iota: With the utmost respect for both the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (C/JCS) and the Secretary of Defense (SecDef), their “outrage” is nonsense–nothing more than political theater.  On BBC, the moderately intelligent evening news, this is right up there with the French mom who murdered eight babies. 1.  The Taliban …

Event 21 July 2010 Washington, D.C. & Worth A Look: American Empire in Freefall

Phi Beta Iota: The book is recommended, and below are details on an event tomorrow in Washington, D.C. Campaign for Liberty will host a debate between Bruce and Jeff Kuhner, talk radio host on AM 570 and a columnist and media commentator at The Washington Times. Daniel McCarthy, editor at The American Conservative, will moderate the debate. …