David Frank: One Voice Now

“One voice made up of three hundred million people containing billions of brain cells all working together to solve the problems of today, making the world a better place for the children of tomorrow.” ~ David Frank ~ LEARN MORE: http://www.onevoicenow.org/

Paul Craig Roberts: Propaganda — the North Korean Film About the USA and How It Manufactures Consent

Sometimes We Learn The Most About Ourselves From Our Opponents This is a North Korean film with English voiceover that examines the role of propaganda in the United States and the Western world generally to keep the population distracted, ignorant, and brainwashed. North Korea is the most demonized country on earth, more so even than …

Ezili Danto: Weaponizing Cholora — Haiti & Organ Trafficking

Haiti Cholera: A Biological Weapon For Organ Trafficking? We have evidence and do know about cholera as a cover for organ trafficking. The body bags are used to transport the dead UN-cholera victims from Haiti to the US for the Universities, pharmaceutical companies and their UN/NGOs involved in the criminal trade. Some may not know …

ANSWERS by Robert Steele for Joseph Cotto, San Francisco Review of Books

The San Francisco Review of Books is about to start posting some of Robert Steele’s 2000+ non-fiction reviews for Amazon (all available free online in both lists and by each of 98 categories at Phi Beta Iota / Reviews).  Here are some answers he offered to our questions in five short postings: As Published: 01 …

Review: The Devil’s Chessboard – Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government

David Talbot  6-Star Reference for President Donald Trump — John Brennan Using Allen Dulles Playbook   I have reviewed over 300 books on secret intelligence here at Amazon, and written eight books of my own – as a former spy, co-founder of the Marine Corps Intelligence Center, and direct participant in “Deep State” and “false …