Review: Power & Responsibility–Building International Order in an Era of Transnational Threat

Bubba Book January 6, 2010 Bruce Jones, Carlos Pascual, Stephen John Stedman EDIT of 7 Jan 09.  I got halfway through another book last night and now understand the Princeton-based idea that the US has enough power to demand changes and that earlier “balance of power” constraints might not apply.  On the one hand, this …

Review: Social Change 2.0–A Blueprint for Reinventing Our World

Undeniable Genius Isolated from Other Movements January 4, 2010 David Gershon This book is a work of undeniable genius and to that I would add peseverence–the author and his wife Gail Straub have been on the forefront of the personal empowerment movement from the late 1970’s onward, and in many ways this book is a …

Who’s Who in Cultural Intelligence: Scott Atran

Research and teaching interests are centered in the following areas: Cognitive and linguistic anthropology, ethnobiology, environmental decision making, categorization and reasoning, evolutionary psychology, anthropology of science (history and philosophy of natural history and natural philosophy); Middle East ethnography and political economy; natural history of Lowland Maya, cognitive and commitment theories of religion, terrorism and foreign …