Review: The Bhagavad Gita–A Walkthrough for Westerners

Speak the Truth, Lose the Anger, Be Part of the Whole February 10, 2010 Jack Hawley It took me fifty years to recognize the deficiencies of the command and control or top down elite-dominated model of governance, and to discover the spiritual and practical integrity of collective intelligence, openness, appreciative inquirty, deliberative public dilaog, and …

Journal: Israel, False-Flags, Dual-Citizens, & Smiles

Phi Beta Iota: We have been increasingly concerned by the penetration of US Government agencies by a two-pronged Israeli assualt, mixing dual-citizens in positions of either influence  or observation potential, and Israeli-provided and supported software that vacuum-cleans from within.  To this ugly mix the Israeli’s add false-flag operations–we believe 9-11 included both an Israeli false-flag …

Journal: MILNET Selected Headlines 28 Jan 10

Capabilities Of U.S. Intelligence Agencies Questioned Congressional critics have singled out the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), established as part of a sweeping intelligence overhaul after the September 11 attacks. “I do not (have), nor do I believe the DNI as currently constructed has, all of …

Journal: White House Nightmare, Insanity, or Ignorance?

White House nightmare persists At the end of Barack Obama’s worst week since taking power a year ago, the US president’s fortunes look set only to deteriorate over the coming days. Phi Beta Iota: We find it quite remarkable that there is absolutely no “intelligence” in the sense of decision-support anywhere in this story.  The …

Journal: MILNET–Loss of Rule of Law, Aviation Insecurity

Judge Tosses NSA Spy Cases U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker’s decision was a major blow to the  two suits testing warrantless eavesdropping and executive branch  powers implemented following the 2001 terror attacks. The San  Francisco judge said the courts are not available to the public to  mount that challenge. “A citizen may not gain standing …