Journal: ClimateGate Week One

Climate Change: What Is The Truth? Dearth of valid information about climate change has clouded our minds Copenhagen climate summit: ocean acidification an ‘underwater time-bomb’ Ocean acidification is an “underwater time-bomb” that threatens fish stocks, marine life and coastal communities around the world, a Natural England report has warned. Al Gore and the Wizards of …

Review: Ecological Intelligence–How Knowing the Hidden Impacts of What We Buy Can Change Everything (Hardcover)

From 4 to Five for Gifted Story and Amazon Price Cut November 29, 2009 Daniel Goleman I chose this book over Ecological Intelligence: Rediscovering Ourselves in Nature and seeing the author’s note about this other book “by a physician, Jungian analyst, and poet” am certain I made the right choice. The author’s “big idea” is …

Journal: Earth Intelligence, Climate Gate, Queen of England, and the Climate Change Fraud Network

Earth Intelligence (46), as with all of our categories for journal entries, references, or reviews, can be bookmarked or selected from the menu in the middle column to follow postings on Climate Change and ClimateGate and the related fraud network. ClimateGate is, in the words of one scientist, a mushroom cloud rather than a smoking …

Journal: German Hackers Point to 9-11 Text Messages

Text messages sent in the hours before and during 9-11 are now becoming available for public examination. It will take time, but a number of individuals are working through them (remember what the Iranians did with CIA’s singular shredded messages) and we anticipate findings within a few months.  We’ve also suggest a quick tag cloud …

Journal: Web War II

Web 2.0 Expo: O’Reilly Warns Of Web War Paul McDougall November 17, 2009 Internet visionary fears an end to openness as Internet rivals consolidate power. The Web, which began life as an open community where information and tools were freely shared across geographic, political, and social boundaries, is in danger of becoming segmented into a …