Search Tips

Don’t search for <cliff notes for ….>.  Search instead for the title of the book, as much of it as possible, and ideally also including the author’s last name.  Use Amazon for the full title and grab the last name only of the author (that’s the part that gets into the tag cloud). The Unconquerable …

Journal: Baffling Patterns Form in Scientific Sandbox

Brandon Keim October 28, 2009 NOTE: Brandon Keim’s Twitter stream and reportorial outtakes; Wired Science on Twitter. Brandon is currently working on a book about ecosystem and planetary tipping points. With nothing more than beads in a glass box, physicists have revealed yet another mysterious property of granular solids, now recognized by scientists as a …

Journal: Real-Time Analytics, Bye to SQL, Oracle, SAP

Cloud Analytics: Dataflow versus Databases Realtime analytics drives a migration away from databases to more scalable parallel dataflow architectures. Bill McColl, 29 October 2009 Over the past year or so, a new movement, the “NoSQL” movement has emerged promoting the advantages of doing a variety of kinds of analytics without using any relational database technologies …