Robert Steele: Deep State is Starting World War III UPDATE 3: Victoria Nuland & Zionists Seek Two-Front War Against Russia & Iran

SHORT URL: UPDATE 3: Victoria Nuland & Zionists Seek Two-Front War Against Russia & Iran A senior retired officer wrote this: Vicky Nuland ordered  [Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko] to start a war with Russian Federation and guaranteed that NATO and Pentagon would step in and defeat the Russians? NeoCons, PNACers and Zionists believe that …

Owl: Pocahontas Revenge – Deep State False Flag White-Faces a Filipino UPDATE 6: Sayoc with Democratic Donor

This web page supplies a compilation of news about Florida bombing suspect, Cesar Sayoc. It especially notes the sloppiness and amateurishness of whichever Deep State operatives set up Sayoc to be a patsy in a FF making Trump and Republicans look blameworthy for the bomb packages: CNN graphics employees are currently tinkering with the Whiteness …

Mongoose: Fake News Legalized Lying – Thanks to Supreme Court Ruling in 1964

Supreme Court Ruled The Media Can Lie With Impunity So, the Court held that the First Amendment protects the publication of all statements, even false ones, about the conduct of public officials, except when statements are made with actual malice (with knowledge that they are false or in reckless disregard of their truth or falsity).  …

Gareth Porter: The Shaky Case That Russia Manipulated Social Media to Tip the 2016 Election — a Dismantling of the Deep State Narrative Promulgated by the CIA and the NYT

The Shaky Case That Russia Manipulated Social Media to Tip the 2016 Election Published in full text online with permission of the author in order to enable this important work to be read in Russian and other languages using the translation widget. The idea promoted by NYT’s Shane & Mazzetti that the Russian government seriously …

Mongoose: The Hill Exposes DNC-FBI COllusion on Russia Witchhunt — DNC Lawyers (Who Funded the Fake Dossier) Met FBI Officials BEFORE FBI Sought a Surveillance Warrant

Collusion bombshell: DNC lawyers met with FBI on Russia allegations before surveillance warrant John Solomon, The Hill, 3 OCT 2018 Congressional investigators have confirmed that a top FBI official met with Democratic Party lawyers to talk about allegations of Donald Trump-Russia collusion weeks before the 2016 election, and before the bureau secured a search warrant …

Robert Steele: Faux News Full of Shit, Deep State Outlet, Lying About Syria Gas Attacks – Faux News Joins Crap News Network as an Enemy of the American People – Heil Zion!

As I write this Shepard Smith, who speaks the words put in his mouth by his shyster producer, is listening to Ben Hall, a Zionist pimp based in Jerusalem, pushing the FALSE Zionist story that Assad is has “signed off” on a new gas attack.  Ben Hall is lying outright when he says on the …