Robert Steele: Retired Senior Intelligence Officer Calls for Purge

As received in a direct email. I and Bill Binney and others agree. From my foxhole, I only see obama holdovers, Never Trump and deep state scum operating the intelligence organizations.  This will not change until a massive house cleaning sweeps all these types away to the sewers whence they came.  This includes the military …

Worth a Look: Rebel Gene Secret Space and the Future of Humanity by Kerry Cassidy

This book is the story of my journey down the rabbit hole to discover the truth behind the Secret Space Program, ETs, UFOs and conspiracies of all kinds. To research this book, I interviewed about 1000 individuals worldwide from high level military (both retired and current), intelligence agents from the United States and other countries, …

Stephen E. Arnold: The Limits of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

A Former Search Wizard Explains Why Artificial Intelligence May Be a Bit of a Challenge Artificial intelligence is the next evolution of digital technology and experts predict we are going to rely on AI as much as the Internet. While AI is amazing, many projects built around AI fail to deliver the promised results. Louis …