Tikkun: Israel Lobby Subverting US Congress For War On Iran

Editor’s Note: Please be aware that “the Israel Lobby” is not equivalent to “American Jews.” As MJ Rosenberg notes, most American Jews are far more progressive than the organizations that officially speak for them (because most American Jews are not affiliated with those organizations). The Israel Lobby gets much of its strength from a minority …

Penguin: Wikileaks Exposes the Trans-Pacific Partnership for What It Is — Secret Predatory Corporate Corruption Enabled by Secret Government Complicty in Looting the Public Purse

WikiLeaks releases major trade agreement draft chapter The TPP, based on the draft chapter, seems set to be yet another boon for corporate interests Natasha Lennard Salon, Wednesday, Nov 13, 2013 The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement — an international trade agreement some years in the making between major world powers including the U.S., Canada and Japan …

Michael Shank: Why the White House Won’t Win the Afghanistan War…

Why the White House won’t win the Afghanistan war Washington Times, Wednesday, November 6, 2013 – Cause, Conflict, Conclusion by Michael Shank, Ph.D. WASHINGTON, November 7, 2013 — U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry desperately needs a win on the Afghanistan war. Unfortunately, however, it appears increasingly unlikely he will get one. Despite repeated visits …

Noam Chomsky: Should World “De-Americanize?”

De-Americanizing the World Truth Out, 5 November 2013 Originally written in 2012 During the latest episode of the Washington farce that has astonished a bemused world, a Chinese commentator wrote that if the United States cannot be a responsible member of the world system, perhaps the world should become “de-Americanized” — and separate itself from …

4th Media: America’s Threat-Centric [Lie-Based] Education System: Out of Date and Out of Time

America’s Threat-Centric [Lie-Based] Education System: Out of Date and Out of Time “History is a story. That’s why we fight over history. We make sense of ourselves, the world and ourselves in the world through the struggle to tell the truth through stories. Facts have to be contextualised to become the truth. And that truth …

David Sabow: White House/Pentagon/CIA Iran Contra Drug Running — and Destruction of Senator Gary Hart to Stop Investigation

This is NOT speculation. Everything told here is documented and supported by a Tosh Plumlee’s testimony and supported by letters from Senator Gary Hart to the “Kerry Commission”. I have copies of the letters.  David Phi Beta Iota: This series by Dr. David Sabow is posted in honor of his brother Col James Sabow, USMC …