Veterans Today: The Criminalization of America — Cops Are Zionists, Deplorables are “Fair Game” Equivalent to Palestinians?

The Overcriminalization of America: Are We All Criminals Now? Many Americans through their own compliance have become unwitting accomplices in the government’s efforts to prosecute otherwise law-abiding citizens for unknowingly violating some statute in its vast trove of laws written by bureaucrats who operate above the law. Incredibly, Congress has been creating on average 55 …

Tucker Carlson: Trump Must Pardon Roger Stone or Commute His Sentence

Tucker Carlson: Trump must ‘pardon Roger Stone or commute his sentence’ “The typical rapist in this country spends four years in prison. Armed robbers, three years. Thugs who commit violent assault, less than a year and a half,” Carlson said on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” “But Roger Stone must do [up to] nine years, until he’s …

The Steele Report: Questions Being Answered Today

17th Amendment If as you have previously asserted the 17th amendment wasn’t actually fully ratified, wouldn’t a Presidential announcement of same light a fire under those Republican state representatives/senators as they consider the implications for the importance of their legislative body? Maybe they would see a reason to certify Trump electors (which they should have …

Zero Hedge: DiGenova Says Comey and Brennan Were Coup Leaders, Enlisted Foreign Powers, Framed Flynn and Others

DiGenova: Comey And Brennan Were ‘Coup Leaders’ DiGenova says the Obama Justice Department was corrupted under Attorneys General Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, “with the authority and knowledge of then-president” Obama, and that a ‘stupid and arrogant’ Susan Rice was dumb enough to document his knowledge in a January 20th, 2017 email.   . . . …