Robert Steele: DoJ Begins Process of Exonerating Mike Flynn?

I have been an unabashed fan of General Michael Flynn, USA (Ret) ever since I studied his harsh truths as published in Fixing Intel, and then wrote the article, hand-delivered to Chuck Hagel’s house and intended to stop Mike Flynn from being fired by the Deep State puppet known as Barack Obama, On Defense Intelligence, …

Robert Steele: Christian Collectivism, Anti-Fragile Localization — A Second American Revolution?

SHORT URL: I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about how to resurrect America the Beautiful.  My reading on the goodness of America the Beautiful is bracketed on one end by Kevin O’Keefe’s The Average American–The Extraordinary Search for the Nation’s Most Ordinary Citizen and most recently by the gloriously uplifting book by …

Robert Steele: Free Roger Stone — and Impeach the Judge while Abolishing the FBI?

The below article is the best I have found on the extreme injustice that has befallen my colleague Roger Stone. The FBI is — like the CIA — increasingly a candidate for abolishment. The degree to which they — and Department of Justice officials “licensed to lie” by Barack Obama and the mediocrities he appointed …

Robert Steele: Roger Stone’s Judge Should Be Put Down — Clear Political Bias and Unlawful Exclusion of Relevant Testimony

I have been watching the US legal system for some time now, and am persuaded that across the USA, but particularly in Washington, D.C., and New York City, our judges and prosecutors, including particularly prosecutors from the Obama-era Department of Justice, are corrupt to the bone. Some combination of ideological insanity, outright bribery, and pedophilia …

Bill Binney: I Told Pompeo There Was No Russia Hack Two Years Later, He Still Hasn’t Told Trump — Judge in Roger Stone Case BLOCKING THE TRUTH!

I Told Pompeo There Was No Russia Hack Two Years Later, He Still Hasn’t Told Trump Why has former CIA Mike Pompeo refused to acknowledge expert forensic evidence disproving “Russia Gate”? “Recently an associate investigator in London was looking at fingerprints of Russian signatures, which implied that Guccifer was inserting signatures. The C.I.A. has the …