Sara Carter: Trump to Ballantine – Kiss Your Career Good-Bye [Robert Steele: Has the Time Come to Indict Department of Justice Losers?]

DOJ Sought Continuance Of Flynn Case To ‘Vindicate’ Public Reputation Of His Former Legal Team A serious conflict of interest—indisputable because it was recognized by both the government and Covington by November 1, 2017—well before Flynn entered a guilty plea or even made a proffer to the prosecutors– is one of the main reasons Flynn’s …

Worth a Look: Conviction Machine – Standing Up to Federal Prosecutorial Abuse by Sidney Powell and Harvey Silvergate

Together, Powell and Silverglate shine a light on the defects of the system: overzealous prosecutors, perjury traps, negligent judges, perverse limits on self-defense, vague and overabundant criminal statutes, insufficient requirements for criminal intent, and no accountability for prosecutors. Most important, they provide a much-needed blueprint for reforming the Department of Justice and the criminal justice …

Review: The Declaration of Independence – A Betrayal of the American Dream by Sal Martingano

Sal Martingano 5 Stars — A Superb Citizen Prime Ends with Indictment of Barack Obama Amazon Description: In Book One of The Declaration of Dependence, Media and the Government, Dr. Sal Martingano goes over his years of research in government, the deception of the media, how social media has taken control of public opinion, the …

State of the Nation: We Are Done With Trump!

Iraqi Prime Minister Indicts Trump for Murder One and State-Sponsored Terrorism SOLEIMANIgate Blown Wide Open Firsthand Testimony Proves Trump Outright Lied About Soleimani—But It’s Much, MUCH Worse Than That PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP:  An Unstable and Tempestuous Tyrant Installed by the Military-Industrial Complex to Preserve the Collapsing Petrodollar’s World Reserve Currency Status and Advance the Greater …

BREAKING: Iran Threatens to Attack Trump Properties — Now That Is Personal!

Iran To Attack Trump Properties? Top Adviser Tweets List Of President’s Real Estate Empire After Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei clarified on Friday that ‘death to America’ really means death to President Trump, Secretary if State Mike Pompeo and other “American Rulers,” a top adviser to Iranian president Hassan Rouhani shared a list of …

Gordon Duff: Breaking/Confirmed: Soleimani Killed on Diplomatic Mission to Iraq to Receive Trump-Pompeo Missive — BONUS Alleged Photo of Soleimani with US Troops

Breaking/Confirmed: Soleimani Killed on Diplomatic Mission to Iraq to Receive Trump-Pompeo Missive No magic intercepts were needed, we now learn from Iraq, to arrange for the assassination of Soleimani. We now learn that the ambush was staged through diplomatic channels, drawing Soleimani to Iraq in order to receive an offer of reduced sanctions from President …