Zero Hedge: Durham Seeks to Indict Brennan?

Durham Reportedly Seeking Ex-CIA Director Brennan’s Emails, Call Logs Over Russian Probe Specifically, Durham has requested Brennan’s emails, call logs, and other documents from the C.I.A. (and judging by Barr’s statement that “other agencies are cooperating very well,” we suspect Durham will get what he wants.

Yoda: Two Divisive Trends – Unassimilated Immigrants Who Commit Treason, and Fake News False Flag Anything Goes Lies

Two Divisive Trends That Will Shape the New Decade The combination of “alternative facts” and not knowing what to believe begs the question: How does a nation that depends and thrives on the free flow of accurate information survive when “news” is suspect and self-selected by one’s party or political beliefs? What happens when “we …