Robert Steele: Abolish the CIA and the FBI? Or Not?

Angelo Codevilla, who wrote a very good book that I reviewed positively, Informing Statecraft–Intelligence for a New Century, has called for the abolition of CIA. Abolish CIA & FISA Others, including myself, have called for the abolishment of the FBI, which was founded by a pedophile who pioneered political blackmail, and is  today worthless as …

SPECIAL: Sidney Powell Hands the FBI Their Ass — Flynn Case is OVER!

Michael Flynn defense: Suppression of FISA report warrants ‘death penalty’ for prosecution Powell said on Tuesday that “contrary to the government’s response, the IG Report establishes that SSA 1 was chosen and inserted into the presidential briefing for the very purpose of collecting information on Mr. Flynn” and that “this act was outrageous government misconduct …

Bill Binney: I Told Pompeo There Was No Russia Hack Two Years Later, He Still Hasn’t Told Trump — Judge in Roger Stone Case BLOCKING THE TRUTH!

I Told Pompeo There Was No Russia Hack Two Years Later, He Still Hasn’t Told Trump Why has former CIA Mike Pompeo refused to acknowledge expert forensic evidence disproving “Russia Gate”? “Recently an associate investigator in London was looking at fingerprints of Russian signatures, which implied that Guccifer was inserting signatures. The C.I.A. has the …

James Fetzer: Impeachment Over — Manafort, Flynn, Stone to Be Exonerated — Brennan, Comey, McCabe Headed for Jail. Game, Set, and Match!

Impeachment Nearing Conclusion: Recent Developments Point to Outcome Phi Beta Iota: This is the single best summary of Democratic crimes to date, and why Trump, Manafort, Flynn, and Stone will all be exonerated and why Brennan, Comey, and McCabe are headed for jail. Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler will not be re-elected.  Game, Set, and Match.

Sara Carter: Flynn’s Defense Files Motion Saying His Former Legal Team ‘Betrayed Him’

Flynn’s Defense Files Motion Saying His Former Legal Team ‘Betrayed Him’ Powell noted in Wednesday’s motion that Flynn’s former defense team at Covington & Burling, a well known Washington D.C. law firm, failed to inform Flynn that their lawyers had made “some initial errors or statements that were misunderstood in the FARA registration process and …

Mongoose: Update on Mike Flynn Courtcase (Federal Framing and Lying to Court, May Have UK Intelligence Angle)

New Filing in General Flynn Case Delayed as Judge Mulls Over Need for Evidentiary Hearing – Corrupt DOJ Still Withholding Information in Case Phi Beta Iota: Three reasons for withdrawing a guilty plea that are solid: a) incompetent attorneys at time pleas made; b) government failure to live up to its promises made; and c) …