Robert Steele: Are We to Be God’s People’s or Slaves to the Deep State?

As received via email.  Share if you consider worthy of sharing.  This matters in part because too many have lost their minds by design of the Deep State to drugs and mediocre education as well as entertainment designed to dull. Religion has been hijacked by foreign powers and Satanic forces. Below addresses the supremacy of …

Ed Jewett: Recommended Book – The Revolt of the Elites and the Betrayal of Democracy (1996)

“[A] passionate, compelling, and disturbing argument that the ills of democracy in the United States today arise from the default of its elites.” –John Gray, New York Times Book Review (front-page review)  Controversy has raged around Lasch’s targeted attack on the elites, their loss of moral values, and their abandonment of the middle class and …

Review: The New American Revolution – The Making of a Populist Movement by Kayleigh McEnany

5 stars — Buy the book for election night alone The first half of the book I could do without, but the second half is utterly special and highly relevant to the next election.  Published in 2018, the book combines a first half of vignettes with grainy black and white photos that cover the impact …

Review: The Stakes – America at the Point of No Return by Michael Anton

5 Stars – How the 1% Stay in Power This is a solid book that can be read quickly or slowly.  I chose the speed route, and below I provide the essence of the book. Core point: everything about our society including the federal government, universities, religions, non-profits, and corporations, is designed to keep the …