SchwartzReport: Norway Dumps Fossil Investments

This is very positive news.  The evolution of non-carbon energy into not one but several alternatives that are both non-polluting and cheaper coupled with the divestiture movement is proceeding change faster than anyone foresaw.  Both trends represent the success that is possible by taking the most compassionate and life-affirming option of those available. This is …

SchwartzReport: Congressman Confesses 9 Crimes — #ElectoralReform

The Congress has become so fundamentally degraded we are beginning to see whistleblowers telling us the suppressed truth. This is the state of American democracy, and it is not a happy story. Not particularly his first point, that Congresspersons are not out of touch with the people that elect them. Ultimately in a democracy people …

SchwartzReport: Net Net — Good New Rules from FCC — Bad Time Warner 97% Profit Margin

GOOD: This is some wonderful news. The process is still not complete but the right decision appears imminent. Tele-communications are going to be seen as public utilities, equally open to all. There is still a vote to go, so it wouldn’t hurt to write the FCC once again and tell them you support Chairman Wheeler’s …

SchwartzReport: Treason at the Top — “National Security” Pork Over Education, Infrastructure, Family, and Everything Else

We have grossly inadequate funding for schools, infrastructure, elder care, child-care, and a host of other programs and projects that create a more compassionate and life-affirming society. But, boy, the dollars fall like a blizzard on the military industrial security industries. Here is the real truth of where you tax dollars are going. The sums …