3Days3Nights: The Borat Kazakhstan China Child Trafficking Sting & PsyOp

1. The Borat Trafficking Psych Op#QANON This thread explores how the Hollywood movie Borat ties in with Wuhan, China trafficking routes, COVID infection hot spots and the planned weakening of America if HRC had won the election. Enjoy the show. pic.twitter.com/gwga32DYAj — 🇺🇸 3Days3Nights 🇺🇸 (@3days3nights) April 28, 2020 Safety Copy of Key Ten Tweets …

Robert Steele & Ed Jewett: Trump Will Not Concede, Special Forces Have Captured All Servers in Germany with Fraud Evidence, We Are a GO for Righteous Triumph!

I can confirm from multiple sources with proven access to President Donald Trump that President Trump will not concede and that he has all the evidence he needs to fry the Deep State financial, political, and media miscreants. Just as I was writing the above, Ed Jewett came in with the below.  It is a …